Tuesday 3 June 2014


The love of Christ and calvary greetings to you and your household, in the saving name of Jesus Christ... Amen!
      With all humility Sir/Ma, the OLIVE-BRANCH MISSIONARIES' FIELD - (O.M.F) the mother-body of, THE GIDEON SQUAD - (T.G.S), THE UNITED FAMILY (TUF) and, THE EAGLES' BOARD - (T.E.B) a divinely prepared and empowered third generational prayer team of the end-time, made up of all-called, gifted and anointed full-time missionaries, separated from all secular services, but by strict Divine instruction, mandated to evangelise wide and pray consistently for the libration of Africa and, the redemption ground, (Nigeria) were been previleged by the MOST HIGH GOD, through HIS ONE AND ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, JESUS CHRIST, to bring you this message:
Note: This very message was received between 23rd of March, through 4th May, 2014, in Otuoke town in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
Thus says the LORD GOD OF HOST, I AM THAT I AM, THE KING OF KINGS AND THE LORD OF LORDS, all nations belong to me just as the entire earth is my footstool. Judgement and justice are in my hands therefore I put down one and set up another at my own time. I have allowed my servant’s wife (first lady) to taste death before bringing her back to life, as proof to those in positions that, power, fame, connections and riches, can’t help anyone who had fallen out of my covenant grace, and I have given her (first lady) this last chance to live, as warning to my chosen one (Mr President) to return and follow my genuine ways, truth and instructions.
I weep over this nation and the entire land, (Africa) because he (Mr President) whom I have chosen to walk with me, had been led away from the truth, my covenant and the original Divine master plan, by those claiming to serve me. They use my name...yes, even my Holy name daily, to fight against my FATHER’S (GOD’s) will, in their passionate and desperate move to protect their fame, possessions, connections and positions, and they left the flocks I kept in their care wondering, wanting and thirsty, under others, who were not created or called for that exact purpose. They have even gone ahead of me to assure him (Mr President) of victory in the forth-coming contest when I, THE LORD, have not spoken so yet. Oh, how carnal men forget so soon that: GOD hath  spoken once, yet twice hath it been heard that, power belongeth unto GOD... do you know that, men who choose to sideline, overtake or ignore GOD’s instructions are sometimes, allowed to win but, to their doom and shame, because true victory only comes from God and only the victorious can stay?...then who shall say a thing and it comes to pass when I, the LORD have not spoken so? My people are yet in captivity all over the land of Africa because, he (Mr President) whom I have chosen, have profaned and abandoned my covenant and I the LORD loveth judgement and justice, therefore my Spirit shall not walk with covenant breakers.
            I raised him (Mr President) not through politics but, upon the wings of grace and turned the hearts of men to favour him through the passage of politics but, he’d abandoned my peaceful grace to join those, whom  I have rejected and  caused to fall for his sake, to struggle in mainstream politics,...oh, how he (Mr President) forgot too soon, the events that befell his home state when he attempted to divert from my plan, by going into mainstream politics to contest for governorship in 2007; but, because my thought towards him (Mr President) is peace and not of evil to give him the rightful expected end, I stepped in again and elevated him into a higher office, (Vice President) all in preparation for the redemption of the nations, as been revealed to and prophesied by my faithfuls years back, but alas, he’d followed the voices of political, social and spiritual whores and went their ways.
At my very acceptable time, I have chosen to raise a new generation to take over and perfect the remaining part of my assignments for the outgoing generation in all spheres, especially in this part of the world. And so, for my people (the new generation) not to be trapped in the same ditch of the broken foundations of the old nation, being responsible for the captivities of the dreams and expectations of the nations and her people, been faultly laid of old, upon cut-down woods and dusts, instead of dug-out solid and concrete grounds. I seek a liberal man like David of old, to relay the foundation for the rebuilding of the new city, raise new higher pillars, take the people out of darkness into the glorious city of light and guide Africa out of poverty, confusion, existing and yet-coming crises, and so I called and raised him (Mr President) for this purpose, as one pre-ordained from the womb and now, my call he’d failed to answer. So why does he seek peace?...and where can he find it?...Or is it not written: when a mans ways pleases the LORD, HE (JESUS CHRIST) maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him?  Does the story of Jonah in the Bible exist for nought?... and the people who are called by my name (Ministers) say there is peace and behold, there is no peace... but, if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? Or can any building survive long on a broken foundation? And so how can the structures of such nations last and be sustainable? Do you know, the walls of the building crack and even break long after the bad foundation is been laid? And why do the people expect light where darkness rules? Indeed, disobedience begets rebellion and rebellion brings in enemity and don’t you forget... the enemy cometh not except to kill, steal and destroy? Even my servant whom I have raised from the South (Nelson Mandela), whom I have also used  for the liberation mission on this land (Africa) in the past, from whom he (Mr President), was to take over the mantle to continue on the next phase, had waited and finally departed to the great beyond. Oh, how the people continue to grope in darkness, still in search of the way, while souls get lost in hell daily for one man’s delay!
At the end of every generational calendar year, liberal and lowly people with strong character of commitment like that of David, Moses, Esther, Gideon, Daniel, Joseph, etc; of old, are chosen mostly from about the least expected backgrounds to raise and lead a new generation of people with little use or absolutely untapped gifts, talents, ideas, visions and dreams with greater faith, zeal and passion for exploits. The leader, been favoured as always, empowered and prepared with a new Divine vision for the new generation, must work with the incoming generation, while the supernaturally pre-planted higher version of endowments, operating upon the strength of the fresh and greater faith of the incoming generation, shall settle every issues of their time. But when the leader delays or fails to play his divinely assigned roles for the official take-off of the new generation, the enemy, even satan, being aware of this divinely programmed generational calendar, takes advantage of the delay as long as it could last, to tap into their (the new generation’s) strong spirited zeal and passion for change, and push them into extreme measures by speaking to their hearts, about taking their destinies in their hands. This seemingly direct option usually leads to harsh decisions towards making things happen by force, through demands, agitations and violence, so they (the new generation) could be used as instruments of the moment, to kill, steal and destroy being the devil’s trait, to their (the new generation’s)  detriment and to his (the devil’s) laughter and control over them because, he (devil) is also interested in their endowments, destinies and passion. I am telling you again to tell my chosen one (Mr President) that, Africa is fourteen (14) years overdue, and he (Mr President) doesn’t have time anymore to waste.
I (JESUS CHRIST) was sent long ago, on this same kind of mission into the world to fulfill the law and all righteousness, to reshape the old covenant worship and  traditions, and possibly remodel them the perfect way into the new heavenly vision. I stood in the gap to takeover the mantles from the Pharisees, whose focus and interests had shifted from serving and worshipping THE ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD, in true worship, to pursuing after fame, titles, positions, earthly treasures, laws and traditions (ie doctrines) of men. Then raise, handover the mantle and lead a new generation of true worshippers who will not only love the LORD their GOD, worship the FATHER (GOD) in SPIRIT and in TRUTH, but also, to be sacrificially committed to the kingdom’s services and requirements and to raise (spread) the true banner and light of the total gospel of salvation all over the earth.
            To achieve this, even I, THE SON OF GOD was born and laid on a dusty manger, groomed among the poor, walked among men as homeless teacher, chose only willing men among the dusty, the fishermen, the unregarded, the unlettered, the poor, the inexperienced and also the schooled but through grace of the word, they were all made professionals. But before me, all men are blind except you’ve recieved vision and dreams from above; all men are naked except you are clothed with the GLORY OF GOD; all men are poor and dry except for those who have recieved true blessings from above, for true riches only comes from God, for only God’s blessing maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. There is unrest in every man’s heart and only those in, and doing my FATHER’S perfect will, do I give my peace and so is every man illiterate before ME (JESUS) and, except I teach and guide, you all shall likewise perish.

And so to establish the new work permanently for continuity, (even after my departure), I have to empty myself of all that I have and ever stand for – divers gifts, power, anointing, grace, love, victory, divine health, riches, etc, upon all, and gave all men equal opportunities to access them through the WORD, grace, redemption and salvation. To this end therefore, as many as those using my endowments, empowerments, positions and opportunities which I gave according to MY FATHER’S (GOD’S) original plans and expectations (will) consistently, and to HIS GLORY alone shall gain access to the PEACE OF GOD that passeth all understanding, and through these gifts, subdue and even  have dominion in all directions and dimensions, at any place and any time. To such faithfuls there is no limit to their success, and that is why I said, “I was rich, yet I have become poor that, ye might be rich, in my place, in other words; I was emptied of all that you might be full of all that I am, all that I have and all that I stand for.”
            Lastly, I also dropped my WORD, NAME AND EVEN MY VERY ONE AND ONLY PERSONAL LIFE, so as to avail every soul the equal opportunity to access perfect salvation into the KINGDOM OF GOD, deliverance, security, healing, breakthrough, and all-round success and exploits, as it is written: “those who know their GOD shall be strong and do exploits.” And to as many as those who believe in MY NAME and all, that the name (JESUS CHRIST) stands for, and its Omnipotent powers and unlimited capabilities, to them gave I the power to become THE SONS OF GOD. To such people, they shall not perish but have MY ETERNAL LIFE in them, and they shall also cast out devils and speak in new tongues. They even have authority over all serpents including the devil, as it is written: the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent, and the same to all forms of scorpions. Also to such, no poisonous substances and powers shall harm them just as, no weapon fashioned against them shall prosper, and as they lay their hands in unwavering faith upon any one, even the dead shall they raise, the sick shall recover from any ailment and disease even the dread of all men, death and grave, have no power or say, over their lives until the divine calendar’s appointed glorious day for their home coming. Such people can only come home after the heavenly banquet is set, the drummers and trumpeters are out and set, the skies and the entire firmaments of heaven, sun, moon, stars and even the rainbows and ofcourse, all the Saints, the Prophets And Priests of old and the entire Angels, shall rise in glory, in heavenly peace and joy, to welcome such heroic ambasadors, with heavenly songs. Even the golden streets, the flowery plants, structures and the entire hosts of heaven shall sing to welcome such persons and my servants (Angels) shall bring that soul to ME (JESUS CHRIST) in side by side escorts and I (JESUS CHRIST), shall embrace that soul with love from a tender joyful heart. And the golden crown with sparkles decorated according to the level of accomplishments of that soul’s heavenly assignment on  earth, shall then, rest on the head of that soul and finally taken to their prepared home, for they also came, they saw all kinds of temptations and persecutions, yet they stood by and conquered. In times of such occasions, hell dims and have mournful looks while sounds of sorrowful cries engulfs the atmosphere because, the inhabitants of hell are given momentary chances to see through glorious occasions being heralded on souls like them, especially those who share the exact kind of assignments on earth. So they are given these rather torturing moments, especially for youths to see what their disobedient and unrepentant careless living while on earth had cost them eternally. My son, tell the nations and indeed, my people including my chosen one (Mr President), his entire family and his fellow leaders, especially in Africa to repent fast, for there is no more time to play with lives.
Tell them, I (JESUS CHRIST), loves Africa and I never wanted her (Africa) to be destroyed, for there is no race of colours in heaven but all are one. Tell Africans to rise up in repentance and let my chosen generation be on the watch over their land (Africa). Oh my people, pray faithfully against the defilement of your land that I will not turn my back on (Africa) and her people. Son of man, should all these come upon your land?... now pointing His (JESUS CHRISTs’) finger to the wall, and when I looked, I saw the exact shape of Africa being dug out of the ground like shallow pit, and majority of this dug-out shallow pit of Africa, were covered with blood, while human bodies - military and civilians, mutilated and fresh alike, litter everywhere, while many are still being buried under rubbles of destroyed buildings. I saw animals, both familiar and unfamiliar, emerging from unknown sources, only to feed on litering human carcasses, while others including snakes, were seen taking fresh bath in the flowing pool of blood. Many mighty trees also fell while forests were cleared and the destroyers seem to appear and disappear in just a twinkle of an eye but, behind their trails were massive destructions. While I yet watch this horror in shock, I did saw great presence of the military both black and white skins but, seemingly helpless and frustrated. As the destructions continue, military forces took over power in most African nations, and massive lootings, rapings and slaugher became daily experiences, while the crises were left to continue. Accusations and counter accusations among black and white military camps took place, while local and international governments also traded blames. As all attention moved to this direction, earthquakes took place in Ghana, Cameroon and Nigeria, as Angola was completely blown away in rubble dusts, by a strong wind. Entry ways to many western nations were closed against African nations except, for those African nations who accepted their (Western) new conditions. I did also saw bare bodied men, women and children being guided through borders leading to western nations, with silver chains around their feet. By now, I was really heart broken and filled with tears, as the loud touching cries of, “save our souls” continue to rent the air, “Please don’t fail this mission, because no body is safe,” was the sound I heard from the voice of one of the Angels in the room that came with JESUS, and this brought me back as I was totally carried away by those horror scenes.
When I turned, I saw the LORD JESUS CHRIST, soaked in tears, as He (JESUS CHRIST) sat in a white plastic chair in my room, weeping. “Many dreams, visions, revelations and trances have been given to many eyes from the year 2005 till now, of military actions, wars and conflicts, while some were also shown the great and wonderful pictures of the new African nations, but unfortunately, most of the people don’t know, nor understand what they have been shown,” the Angel concluded. Moments of silence followed, then the LORD JESUS CHRIST raised up His face from the face-down position while he was sobbing and weeping, and He (Jesus CHRIST) continued... “this can only happen if African nations and her leaders ignore my words, my people and  warnings, because the blood thirsty violent demonic forces behind the violent crises, confussion, wars and devastating disasters in America, Asia and the Middle-Easth, are about to invade and take over Africa, and if allowed, her (Africa’s) entire fabrics shall be eaten off, and she’ll be left in skeletal form. Oh Africa my Africa, you have too many beautiful sisters, speaking good and smooth English without genuine love, therefore, stop waiting and depending on aides (help) for you have all it takes to be independent, and the key is also before you, therefore arise and save your land. Oh my people (Africans) light up your land and be vigilant because, your land is about to be exposed to bizarre polution and defilement. Those demonic powers in high places and their agents, responsible for satanism, homosexualism, lesbianism, bestiality and many yet unpopular and unspeakable abominations, are about to fully invade Africa with bags of aides (help) and this is a pre-ordained move by satan to indirectly buy national conscience with well-created and corporate rules, laws and by-laws, backed by supportive governments, to protect their programs,... so the day, any of the recipient nations say no to satanic religions and devilish ritualistic practices (homosexualism, lesbianism, bestiality and their likes) being the devils arrangement, sanctions are threatened or imposed, and aide services withdrawn. For satan do know that, the day any real human practically indulge in such practices, MY FATHER (GOD) and I (JESUS CHRIST) shall turn our back on that man for the enemy to destroy, for he had sold his/her soul deliberately to the devil, and so it is for any nation which directly or indirectly endorse or allow it. Therefore my people should be wise that, they no longer be destroyed for lack of knowledge because, satan is aware, that I am a character of holiness, righteousness and purity, just as he is also aware of my presence, love and great plans for African nations in this new age. Thus, this plan from the pit of hell, so as to use the government and the people to provoke me to anger, that I may turn my back on them, for he (satan) knows the porous foundations upon which, Africa was built, thereby, open to his (devil’s) easy entry and quick destruction, should I (JESUS CHRIST), MY FATHER (GOD) and indeed, the entire heavenly government turn our back on Africa.

Tell my people in South Africa to desperately cry for mercy, pardon, repent fast and also, obey and follow up my instructions to the full because, the big bird that would carry her (South Africa) to her gloomy and painful past, is already having its claws upon her (South Africa) waiting for satan’s whistle sound for take-off, because she (South Africa) had signed pacts with satan in her mindless moves to westernise, in the name of development through which, all kinds of things have been welcomed in the guise of freedom. You my servant, must not fail to do all that I shall command because, the entire region of West Africa is on time bomb, and the leaders must not fail to seek my face now, and correct every wrong past because nobody is safe. I shall not fail to require the blood of, whosoever that dies from the disobedience or further delays.

I sent you to my chosen one (Mr President), this nation (Nigeria) and indeed, the entire land (Africa) with my words but, my words were hijacked and humilliated, and my beloved (Mr President)  was decieved by satanic agents, so that he (Mr President) sidelined and ignored my words. And so, I turned my back on this nation (Nigeria) as warning sign for my chosen (Mr President) just for a while, and the enemy satan, sent flood into the houses and fenced compounds of both the rich and poor in this nation and environs , intending to wipe away as many (humans) as possible. He (satan) also, confused the foolish and the carnal minds with different definitions and claims, in other to blindfold them from the truth. Who knows the day Atlantic ocean came into existence or, when the foundations were laid of the two(2) chief creeks (River Niger and Benue) in this region? And so, who’d been suspending it from overflowing its banks even before the concrete works was done?... so where did those strange beastly creatures, reptiles and pests came from, at that (particular) time?... do you know, the mountains, rocks and banks beneath the earth produced much more of the cold waters of the flood than all the acclaimed sources? No man gets into crises and no land faces war until God’s words and instructions have been deliberately challenged, ignored or disobeyed, except and only except for the faithfuls, whose time of reward and multiplications have come but, need to be proved even before the world like Abraham, Job, etc, for every successful journey that must bring forth bountiful harvest, also have great prices to be paid.
I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, therefore, I returned, took away the flood and gave my chosen one (Mr President) a second chance, as requested by my faithfuls, whom I (JESUS CHRIST) have also shown the truth and the covenant between I (JESUS CHRIST) and my beloved (Mr President), but for his further delay, behold and see what had become of your nation.’’

Now pointing His (JESUS CHRISTs) finger, this time, to the ground before me (J.S.P) and when I looked, I saw the map of Nigeria being drawn on the ground without the inner diagrams indicating the states, but this tiny-lined map was laced with assorted weapons, including bombs, and these weapons were arranged pointing mouth to mouth from other weapons set from the opposite directions, and their butts were actually the lines and curves  of the drawn map, in other words, these very many weapons, knitted together like the long chains of amunitions usually seen on armed men, were pointing at, and from every inch of the angles, curves, corners and lines of the drawn map. “Do you now see what my servant, the Angel, meant when he (Angel) said, no body is safe?... today, there are more deadly weapons than the living number of persons in  this nation, and not only this nation but, many others in this continent, and unfortunately, many more are yet coming in, because my revolution bring changes and joy to the people but, when hijacked by the devil, from men, due to delays, it become tales of destructions, tears and woes, and if he (Mr President) further delay my assignments and ignore my words or, do it his own ways, then shall the Northern termites and the Southern locust come out forth together from their mountains and rocks, even the Eastern forces shall meet the Western powers, and then, the nation is eaten into three parts and that’s the takeoff point to the destructive explosions of the time-bombs upon which, West Africa is sitting, and in the next ten (10) to fifteen (15) years from then, the continent is engulfed, leaving behind few graciously saved lucky thousands of naked, homeless and hungry men, women and children to roam without hope, on the dusty, burnt and destroyed land. The critical situations of, having no food, shelter and yet, without hope, shall neccesitate the willingness of giving  one’s self up for slavery, for the most needed survival. This shall also eventually lead to the destructions of many cities and nations in other parts of the world, for the Westerners shall move to take advantage of the situation, (that is, if not averted) and shall pass through the back door to explore some untapped riches of African soil, but the anger of GOD shall rage against them and also consume those nations, and these are the more reasons, why we say,...nobody is safe yet!

Tell my chosen (Mr President), he doesn’t have time, and so are the other African leaders because, I (JESUS CHRIST) kept them there for purposes, just as, others who were not obedient and made themselves hinderances to my plans were been uprooted  suddenly, as it is written: every tree that beareth not good fruit, shall be hewn down and be cast into the fire. And so shall it be to anyone who shall further ignore my instructions and words, but as for those who’d taken advantage of their previleged offices and positions, to steal GOD’S resources kept in their custody and yet, failed to fulfill their heavenly purposes for that position, they must surely restore all and repent in full or, loose their offices and perish with their stolen wealth and mansions when my revolution starts, and another shall take their places, while the poor and needy whom, they have mocked shall take over and occupy their homes.
I choose my servant, (Mr President) to work with me (JESUS CHRIST) because, I have called and made him a builder but, because he ignored my calls, beckons and words but rather, played politics with my grace and favour by going ahead of me (JESUS CHRIST) to pick politicians as partners  to guide him. So the devil who is also aware of who, he (Mr President) was ordained to be and to do, also introduced his (devil’s) agents, who came to him (Mr President) under different guises and purposes – appointees, aides, friends, investors, and even as clergy men and women, just to turn his administration against its divine purposes, by offering advises that seem nice to the immediate questions, but most of them of selfish motives, and others carrying advancement campaign tags for continuity, (second term) which sounds defensive, supportive and encouraging to him (Mr President), but unknown to him, a pottage of lentiles, offered in other to disorganise the fulfillment birthright of his administration. What an exchange!... a government ordained to build had only become a regime of destruction. Now, were they able to overcome the Northern termites?... and so also, shall West Africa be confused about the coming outbreak of sicknesses and diseases, even doctors shall be helpless.
 Therefore, Son of man, tell my people in this nation (Nigeria) and indeed, West Africa to get prepared for scarcity of foods and commodities and sky-rocketing prices of the few that shall be seen and available in those days and the people shall revolt through protests in many cities. For these calamities and crises shall yet continue until, my call is honoured and my words accomplished, for I AM THE LORD that made all things; that stretched forth the heavens alone; that spread abroad the earth by myself, that frustrates the tokens of liars and make diviners mad; that turned wise men backward, and made their knowledge foolish; that confirms the words of my servants and performs the perfect council of my messengers; that said to Jerusalem, thou shall be inhabited, and to the cities of Judah, you shall be built and I will raise up the decayed places thereof; that said to the deep, be dry, and I will dry up your rivers that said of my chosen (Mr President), he is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasures, even saying to Jerusalem, you shall be built; and to the temple, your foundation shall be laid. I AM THE LORD, AND I CHANGE NOT, therefore, the sons of Jacob are not consumed. Tell my people not to fear but, remain trully faithful, for I shall be their supplier in times of draught, and light in times of darkness, and a very present help in times of trouble... no trully redeemed, obedient and faithful child of GOD had been consumed so far, and shall not be, for I will defend my faithfuls, as it is written: those that call upon the name of the Lord faithfully, shall be saved, because the name of the Lord is a strong tower, therefore, the righteous runs into it and is saved; and also, I would not allow the rod of the wicked to fall upon the lots of the righteous, lest, the righteous put forth their hands into iniquity.

Therefore, I would not put my people to shame, but for now, tell my people at Kenya and Zimbabwe and all of their environs (neighbours) to watch and pray hard, and also, to obey my instructions strictly and swiftly too, as the demonic torrent of violence is watching on where to enter next from Sudan, and its South. No African nation should rejoice over their economy or, for other new developments, until the coming siege is successfully averted, and the root settled. But I would by no means, hold any leader guiltless, should any soul be further lost out of their (leaders’) procrastinations or outright abandonements in any of the nations because, in the days of ignorance, I (JESUS CHRIST) overlooks, but not when informed. Whosoever shall luckily survive the storm (that is, if not averted) including those of the unborn generations, shall surely continue to pay for the iniquities of their fathers and mothers. For vengeance is mine, therefore, I shall utterly take away the lights of dignity, glory and greatness from that leader’s lineage. Even longlife shall only be spent in diseases and dryness, in that lineage because, the chain of my wonderful plan  for the land and nations of Africa is been broken by that leader, for I love Africa and my thoughts towards her (Africa) is peace and not evil, to give her (Africa) the rightful expected end, and so, it is never my will that any man should perish, but for all to come to repentance.
My son, I (JESUS CHRIST) the SON OF GOD, have told you before and I am repeating my words, the issues of Africa and this nation (Nigeria) in particular, are not really political, religion, ethnicity, corruption, or even economic crises, as the people say and believe, but a strong scrambling between light and darkness over the souls of the nations, because the time for the re-opening and rebuilding of these nations have come. All these experiences are rather, products of the mother-issue, that have not been corrected, and therefore, cannot be subdued by government power or militrary might but, only by my chosen ones (the new generation) for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, in pulling down strongholds... because, we are not wrestling against flesh and blood but principalities, powers, forces and rulers of darkness. Thus, the problems escalate as the time keeps going and not tamed.

Son of man, do you know the real truth about this name, Africa, and the meaning, the motive of its source and the mysteries sorrounding it? What then is the fate and future of a child without identity?... as I thought over this question without getting anything, he (JESUS CHRIST), stepped in,... “Uncertainties, irrespective of how much wealth is bestowed or being inherited by that child,... and so is this nation and also, the continent.”
            Do you know, up to seventy percent (70%) of Africa’s treasures and riches are being hidden by the kingdom of darkness, and therefore, have become difficult to explore even, if some are discovered?... just as indigenes of most of the impoverished communities in this nation (Nigeria) are walking and sleeping on riches under their houses and soil, either known but helpless or, in absolute ignorance, because, about eighty-three percent (83%) of treasures are still yet, not discovered or unexplored. If only, this nation (Nigeria) would hear my voice and heed to my instructions, as I am calling on my chosen (Mr President), then shall he (Mr President) do exploits even above and beyond his (Mr President’s) predecessors, and save the nations of the land (Africa), and many new things shall they (nations) see, and even new costly raw materials they (nations) never knew or dreamt about, shall they discover, explore and even enjoy, and I shall give peace and also lift this nation (Nigeria) and shall tremendously bless the people, and shall make it  a star among the five (5) greatest nations in the world and Africa shall indeed, be re-opened for all-round true developments, for this was the original Divine master plan.”... As soon as, He (JESUS CHRIST) made this declarations, the room we were in, instantly became a round great and glorious city, with any thing bright, beautiful and wonderful you can ever think or imagine. I also saw foreigners (blacks and whites) trooping in their thousands into that extra-large city, full of lights and flowing fountains. All I could hear from the visitors who were apparently amazed and delighted is, “Wow, great nation... amazing tourism centre... trully, the city of light.”  While I watched the citizens who were in trully fulfilled and joyful mood, it got dawned on me; this must be another dimensional view of the one city nation, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, declared as “THE CITY OF LIGHT” (new Nigeria), which I have been told about, and shown severally over the years, which THE LORD JESUS CHRIST also mentioned as part of the reasons for raising the third generation, in this nation. As these thoughts were running through my heart, He (JESUS CHRIST) responded, “Yes, you are right”, and that brought me back to the room, where I, JESUS CHRIST and the Angels were in, then He (JESUS CHRIST) went on.

1st October, 2010 and 1st January, 2014, (nigeria’s golden jubilee independence day and centenary celebration of one hundred years after amalgamation) were the mission fulfillment period and dates. Those dates expressly declares the divine purposes for, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s administration, as these dates stands for: liberation, maturity, freedom, redemption, restoration, a time for stock-taking, locating and correcting past errors. A time to disconnect for fresh connections, celebration for replanting and rededication for all-round national salvation, a time to close down for a new start, and also a time for recommissioning, recommitments, and refocusing into a new greater and brighter long term vision, that must be achieved through God, for with God, all things are possible; but I, (JESUS CHRIST) and my servants (Angels), and the entire host of heaven, waited and watched  as men, scrambled and hijacked the period of those days (dates) to their detriments, and now, they ask for prayers and seek where to hide for safety and protection, and this is not just about Nigeria alone, but Africa.
            I THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, have set the standard for, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, no man can get or do anything perfectly, except by me (JESUS CHRIST) and the time is far too spent, as I, (JESUS CHRIST) have been waiting for a long time to help him. I have called my chosen (Mr President) to come back to the very covenant that brought my favour upon him, that he would walk with me in the specific operational order of MY (JESUS CHRIST) earthly ministry and assignment, which I have explained to you earlier, for I raised him (Mr President) in between the gaps from the muddy and abused land, out of the midst of the abandoned, dusty and sidelined minorities, so as to position him (Mr President) to listen and also work with all, including, the unregarded, the unknown and the dusty, for this is the form of the third generation.
A preliminary period of time was even made for him, (between the death of the former president, to his election as executive president) to gather formal knowledge, information and experiences from the outgoing generation, to perfect the works, he (Mr President) was called and ordained to do - lay new foundations, bridge the gaps, lead the nations out of crises and the new generation into the promised land, but I have great burden of sorrow because my chosen, (Mr President) had put his trust on earthly powers, famous names, vain titles and the pharisees alike, and have gone with the outgone generation, therefore, the answers he (Mr President) seek, is not found, and shall be yet far from him until, he (Mr President) returns, according to my instructions. Son of man, tell my chosen (Mr President) to remember the story of Saul (the First King of Israel) of all that happend, when he Saul through disobedience, broke himself out of the covenant plan between God and his people, which he (Saul) by ordination as king, became the symbol of. At the end, nowhere was safe for him (Saul and his family) and no witch doctor, prophet, sorcerer, soothsayer or, even spirits was able to save him and his household.
My soul weeps everyday, over occurrences that takes place in African nations, but this nation (Nigeria) in particular, because this is not part of the plan, neither is it my will as liars have declared, for it is not my will that any should perish but, for all to come to repentance.

            The garden of Eden and its riches, beauty and abundance, was the typical model of the earth, the world and its people at creation from the very beginning but, for the fall of my chosen ones (leaders in all spheres) in every nation, just like the first leader’s (Adam’s) fall and the consequences of being sacked and driven out of their (Adam and Eve’s) God-given offices and wonderful abode, to go on struggling and surviving on their physical strength and the gate of their former cozy and lush garden, been shut against them from further entrance, even as death and suffering came into existence where it was never before. The same way, many nations, states, regions, provinces, local government councils, cities, communities, settlements and even families have (by the fall or diversion of their leaders and guides), shut out the presence of God, HIS mercies and Divine love, and by their actions, give authomatic approvals to darkness, suffering, crises, stagnations, serial bad and diversionary leaderships, poverty, hunger, diseases, complains, lamentations, regrets and even deaths, to dwell among them, while the gates had been shut against lasting and sustainable developments, peace, lights and genuine love and harmony among the people and their leaders.
The earth was designed as God’s vegetation, animal and fish farm, though more like personal garden. Being rich in all produces, including solid and  liquid treasures, WE (GOD THE FATHER, SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT) decided to make creatures like us (humans), who will live and work according to our standard in righteousness, holiness, creativeness and perfectness of heart, as lesser GOD, by depending on us for instructions and guidance in other to take perfect care of this garden-farm (earth). Been created in our image and likeness with virtues, qualities and supernatural empowerments, the lesser-GOD, whom we generally code-named man, were sent to different departments to occupy and render their GOD-given services in the garden-farm. Some to vegetation, others birds, animals, and fisheries, while the rest were left in humanity departments as, group and sectional coordinators, territorial leaders, managers, treasurers who bank the proceeds for safe keeps, and also, releases for recirculation among the workers in all territories, sections and departments, while scribes, accountants and book-keepers were also appointed to check and keep the records straight for preservation and accountability for the next generation of workers. Some were given power, wisdom and knowledge to make laws and rules, to guide the garden-farm and the workers, while securities were kept on vigil to protect the workers and the garden-farm (earth) with love and care through the rules and the laws. There are yet department of workers empowered with technical knowledge to invent and produce materials and machines, in order to ease the daily labours and improve productivity, just as, some were given knowledge to build houses for the workers to stay comfortably in the garden-farm (earth). Welfare workers, marketers and distributors were also in the garden-farm (earth) to feed and carter for the domestic, official and personal needs of all the workers in their territories, sections and departments. There are others who had been empowered with knowledge and abilities to identify cures and healing deposits of all creatures in the garden- farm (earth) in order to take medical care of all living things around them that may fall sick. Supervisors, watchmen and monitors, with spiritual depths of understanding, were appointed to ensure the standards of the BOSS (GOD) and His expectations as declared, are been followed by the workers, while new plans, instructions and orders are declared with consequences of disobedience. Teachers and guides were also raised alongside the supervisory team among the workers, to teach, guide, refreshen and encourage both old and new employees on routine and constant basis, about how to work and benefit optimally, live a superlife (eternal life) in the garden-farm (earth) and beyond, share in sincere agape love, and also to relate peacefully, among fellow workers, within and outside their territories, sections or departments, and even, with the animals, fishes, birds and the plants, as been spelt out through the precepts of the book of the law, all in a bid to set the ground for all... I mean, for all men, women and children, to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue and also have dominion over the garden-farm (earth). This was the original plan of God for his people and the earth, but men went their ways.

            I have been standing also, in the garden-farm (earth) as the TREE OF LIFE, to freely offer life without death (eternal life), fullfilment and perfect peace to all, through the fruits of my body, which are: diverse gifts, light, righteousness, holiness, love, peace, patience, goodness, temperance, obedience, meekness, purity, humility, redemption, salvation, faithfulness, mercy, kindness, joy in the Holy Ghost, forbearance and forgiveness, for those who truly desired sound and perfect working and living experiences in the garden-farm (earth) because, disobedience and fall was not part of the plan. These fruits of the TRUE VINE, being THE TREE OF LIFE, became more available after the fall of man, and even much more valid and useful as sin and evil multiplied down to this age of grace. It also serves as spiritual purgatives, restorers, sustenance, strengtheners, healers, rebuilders, eternal life assurance, remedies and compasses for repositioning, for those who still, and yet earnestly desire an accomplished and fullfiling life in the garden-farm (earth), and peaceful departure, after retirement from all labours, and back to heaven where every man was formed and was originally sent from, as expected by the BOSS of the garden-farm and FATHER of the workers – GOD, being the divine mark of fullfilment, for whosoever that misses this mark is considered a failure and a lost soul. So, as the TALLEST TREE, being THE TRUE VINE and strength of the supervisory team, my leaves were the WORD, while my branches spread as my chosen and anointed ones, to all parts of the garden-farm (earth), watching, seeing, speaking, guiding, protecting and taking records, of all that the sons of men, being the workers, were doing in all offices, departments, sections and territories under the sun.

            Still, in the middle of this garden-farm (earth), stands another tree known as, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which was originally created as  the second richest and most endowed tree, after the tree of life, which was full of great and wonderful medicinal deposits for all forms of sickness and diseases in its roots and body, but for the leaves... hmmn... the LORD JESUS CHRIST muttered and paused for a while with smiles, then continued... an eye opener and express access into the mysteries of GOD and the heavens, its glory, beauty and fullness, direct access and deepest insights into the mystries of GOD’s full nature of DIVINITY; the true look and appearance of the HOLY SPIRIT, GOD’s names, what each of them truly stands for and their capabilities by the OMNIPOTENT powers in them; the DIVINE mysteries  of love and its definition, the live mysteries of the WORD and operational powers; the full knowledge of GOD’s true awesome size, and the depth of his power, wisdom, might, knowledge, creational ability and the entire mysteries of creation; the true appearance of the ALMIGHTY GOD; the glory, grace, power and the wonders that displays in heaven, when a righteous man with a pure heart addresses GOD as, THE OMNIPOTENT, THE OMNISCIENCE AND OMNIPRESENT GOD, for the perfect reason for that name; and also, life and living in divine sense, etc. Son of man, where do you think the balm of gilead came from?...
The spirit of death was been locked up in the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, against those who will defy GOD’s order in disobedience, to permission, as it is written; the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
 So man was expected to obtain permission, information and directions from God, on the rightful usages, contents and benefits of any part of that tree, and it is not open and accessible to all but, only for the ordained and divinely approved  saints. Although the public can benefit from its products through the rightful and authorised persons, no direct name was given to it (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) because, Adam was never given any information nor knowledge about that tree apart from seeing and admiring it from afar, because he (Adam) was still on test-run, and the stipulated time frame set by THE ALMIGHTY GOD to unveil HIMSELF as, the owner of the garden, for physical meetings with Adam, through the supernatural use of that leaf, was not yet, when Adam fell. In other words, if Adam was patient and cautious enough to meet the set time and target, Adam and any other righteous, holy and spiritually sound person would’ve had express, open, live and direct physical meetings, not only with GOD but, just any resident of heaven including the Angels, at your call any time and any place, and that’s why he (Adam) was not taught to pray, but Adam failed.

           Son of man, the price of disobedience to GOD’s instruction could cost several generations to clear off, and that was why, Adam and his wife were instructed not to eat the fruits, nor go anywhere close to that tree.
Secondly, shortly after Adam was brought into the garden, lucifer, having full knowledge of this tree and its mysteries, as the Arch-Angel in-charge of the garden of Eden, before he rebelled, took advantage of his former position, and having entered into the serpent, further poisoned the fruits of this tree, with the spirits of; disobedience, rebellion, unbelief, anger, idolatery, malice, blasphemy, stone-heartedness, fornication, adultery, bitterness, divorce, drunkeness, murder, selfishness, hatred, evil imaginations, concupiscence, lack of understanding, filthy communications, enemity, jealousy, lack of affection, doubtfulness, lying, pride, greed, arrogance, lust of the eyes and flesh, stealing, envy, rivalry, deception, witchcraft, false witness, fashion, worldliness and all of its filthy pleasures, ungodliness and all forms of uncleaness, just to intoxicate and lure the people, under these influences, away from GOD’s original plan and glory, in order to keep them under his (devil’s) captivity, for eternal destruction in hell. Therefore, GOD also made that tree (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) a mysterious secret to the sights of mortal men because the standard of righteousness required for any mortal man to get the identity, see or gain access to that tree, is so far not available in any man, at least for the immediate time.
While I pondered over these explanations, it crossed my mind to find out, why the serpent and that tree was not destroyed, but before I could even open my mouth, the LORD JESUS CHRIST reponded thus: I will answer the question in your heart. You must understand and always remember that, GOD’s thoughts and points of considerations are different from that of man, just as their (GOD and man’s) ways in all directions, are greatly off each others’, and so, GOD have great plans for man and the earth, as explained to you earlier, which includes, walking and discussing with men physically and so many others, not just as mere men but, as gods, and that is the righteous but, it directly requires trust,... yes, deep-rooted  trustworthiness.
The serpent likes cold environment, and that tree (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) was created that way with thick, wide and extensive branches, so we secluded the serpent to that tree, that it wouldn’t move around, considering its subtleness. It was again left behind in order to checkmate man’s dependability, faithfulness and trustworthiness in walking with God, and also to see man’s level of obedience in strict sense, to his BOSS’ and FATHER’S (GOD’S) instructions and warnings, thus: of every tree of the garden, you may freely eat but, of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you must not eat; for in the day that, you eat of it, you shall surely die.
They (Adam and Eve) were even warned not to go anywhere around that tree and its branches so as to avoid easy fall, but it was Eve, who went under the branch of that tree before the serpent gained access into beguiling her, and so, man failed the test, ate the fruit and brought death upon himself.

The garden of Eden, was the test-run of the greater garden-farm (earth) and all men were born as workers into the garden-farm (earth), beginning with Adam and Eve, who were posted to the plantation department, after being cast out of the garden of Eden. Cain went to the same department with his parents, while Abel was posted to the animal department, as the first four working staff of the garden-farm (earth). As far as, the countdown of human lineages continues, all men born of human parents on earth are direct biological products of Adam and Eve, and so all things that came from them (Adam and Eve) also affects their direct and indirect products (descendants); thus, the fruits they (Adam and Eve) shared that day, is still manifesting through different ways, in the lives of different people. It started its manifestation in the lives of the first couple (Adam and Eve) by opening their eyes to see their nakedness thereby, introducing fashion to the world true them and also pushed them into life time hardship and struggling, which introduced poverty and hardship into the world. It manifested in five ways through Cain – envy, arrogance, jealousy, bitterness and murder, while it brought premature death into the world through Abel because, although, they religiously kept the tradition of seasonal sacrifice to GOD, according to the time of the year, yet proper step of repentance was not taken, even when Adam was yet in the very presence of his BOSS (GOD), he couldn’t humble himself and repent by asking for forgiveness, which would have given him the previlege to ask for reinstatement. My fruits and leaves, as THE TREE OF LIFE, were there for him (Adam) to eat and be purged of the ungodly effects of that fruit. These poisonous effects are still active in many lives, including vineyard workers and their likes, who’d thought in their hearts or, being deceived into believing that, as far as, they are coming to Church and listening to preachings, being faithful in tithes, offerings and also praying, they are perfect before GOD, even when the people have malice, hatred, bitterness and evil imaginations in their hearts. It is true that, I (JESUS CHRIST) died and paid the price for all to be redeemed and be saved, but this can’t be effective in the lives of those who refuse to genuinely acknowledge their sins before ME (JESUS CHRIST) and my FATHER, (ALMIGHTY GOD), with a broken and contrite heart, through confession as it is written; confess your sins one to another, and be truly repented  from your heart, of such sins otherwise, satan and his demons would also dwell with me in heaven without repentance, because I (JESUS CHRIST) died for all.

It is also true that I, even I, AM HE, that blotted out thy transgressions for my own name’s sake, and I also said, I will not remember your sins anymore, for I am good and ready to forgive, and plentious in mercy unto all them that call upon me, but only from a genuinely repentant heart; for what does the scripture say?... the WORD is nearer to you, right in your mouth and even in your heart, that is, the WORD of FAITH, that we preach. If only you shall confess MY NAME (JESUS CHRIST) with your own mouth, and shall sincerely believe in your heart that, MY FATHER (GOD) truly raised ME (JESUS CHRIST) from among the dead, but must be done from a genuinely repentant heart, then you shall be saved. For with the heart, man believed unto righteousness and with the mouth, confession, of such sins, are made unto salvation. I weep over many souls who are already on the path to hell, for they have the zeal for GOD but because they don’t have good leaders or teachers to guide them, they walk outside the precepts and knowledge of the WORD, which eventually lead them to religious christian lifestyle, instead of spiritual and GODLY standard of christian living. There are already many people on earth today, who are express agents of hell but appear in saintly clothing in order to successfully fulfill their satanic mission of deliberately guiding people to hellfire, while there are also others, who are outrightly ignorant of GOD’s standard of righteousness or deliberately devoid of it for sellfish gains thereby going about, establishing their own righteousness for their followers. For these set of people, they have no place in the kingdom of GOD because, they have not subjected themselves into the very righteousness of GOD. Remember, it is written: who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in His holy place? He that have clean hands, and a pure heart, not unpurged or tainted one... who have not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall recieve blessings from the LORD, and righteousness from the GOD of his salvation (Psalm 24:3-5).
Adam refused to repent, neutralize and purge himself from the heart of his soul, spirit and body, of those destructive influences with the fruits I produce as the TREE OF LIFE, which is the only eternal remedy even unto this day, so these effects continued and even multiplied among the workers’ hearts in the garden-farm (earth). While some have two(2), others have five(5) and some others have suffered even up to ten(10) and are still suffering more. Having created and stocked this garden-farm (earth), for habitation as a place of joy, peace, accomplishment and retirement in fullfiment and departure with good report, I and MY FATHER, put every one there as workers, but because most of the workers refused to purge and clear themselves (repent with confession of all sins and ungodly ways and live by the word of God, and the characters of JESUS, being the fruits of the TREE OF LIFE), the curses of poverty, hardship, its partners and effects, contrary to the original plan and arrangement, have been welcomed and sustained in the garden-farm (earth), where WE (GOD THE FATHER, SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT) actually intend to establish the kingdom of GOD if, His (GOD’s) will is allowed to be done on earth, as it is in  heaven.

We put everyone there to work and be rewarded appropriately and at the right time and seasons of heaven, be blessed, in the garden-farm (earth), and be fruitful and to multiply and also to replenish the earth, (being the garden-farm) and just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Boaz, Job, Daniel and the rest, who worked with a perfect heart; GOD wants you to become great, subdue and dominate in your territory, district, section or department. But today, the workers MY FATHER (THE LORD GOD) intend to make great through the works HE (GOD), had assigned to each of them, and are just roaming and sitting idle while their works are lying there undone. The workers, through the effects of the Adamic fruit, and their refusal to purge and clear themselves, are always stocked into worldly pleasures and in unofficial positions therefore, never had time to findout where they are allocated to work. As a result, most of them only stray and attach themselves to where they are meagerly paid and most times, even been maltreated because, that wasn’t their rightful place. Some of the people, who had been able to locate their Divinely assigned offices or portions, had allowed the spirit of coveteousness, envy and jealousy to lead them into believing in their hearts that, those working in the treasury and accounting department and related sections or locations, are more at advantage than others, therefore, they murmured and abandoned their works and attached themselves to other places or offices not divinely appointed for them, and when mistreated, they accuse others, forgetting that I am the great  rewarder and rewards not according to the location, department or background, but the amount of work given, the sincerity of such worker and their level of accomplishment, in its true measure considering the gifts and talents, vested on such people for I know every man’s works and their daily records are all before me (JESUS CHRIST). But my soul shall never be at peace with those who use my deposits (gifts/talents/resources) for themselves and not to my glory, neither would I be happy with those who have taken my name (JESUS CHRIST) and WORD for granted but rather, use my gifts and resources at their disposals to take the hearts of my people away from ME, while promoting worldliness and carnality. Therefore I shall continue to visit the entertainment department in my fury until my gifts and resouces are withdrawn from insultive children, even my very social contract which I freely signed with every living soul (life) would I continue to cancel and withdraw from unrepentant children of mockery.
I and my FATHER, in our loving kindness towards mankind, ordained and blessed man with marriage, a vision, projected towards providing a life partner who will support, pursue and help meet up each others divine assignments, build homes, live peacefully with joy and also, to raise and prepare the next generation for their works in the garden-farm (earth). But for the enemy’s fruits of lusts, coveteousness, selfishness, greed, short-sightedness and worldly pleasures, which they have refused to flush out of their systems in repentance, my people have lost the true glory, value and fullfilment of marriage. Most of my people have already gone into captivity. Having lost their way, become a stumbling block to each others divine purposes, for one may like to follow up but, the other would stand to oppose, delay or make it impossible directly or indirectly and sometimes, go ahead to kill and destroy even the little the other partner has started so far. Because my people remember to call me (JESUS CHRIST) when in need and searching, but don’t know how to be patient enough to get the perfect one from ME (JESUS CHRIST) and so, they find a good thing but, not perfect match even though they obtained favour from GOD. For we give not according to carnal and bodily beauty, intellectual rating or backgrounds but, according to their destinies and divine assignments in the garden-farm (earth), as it is geared towards the accomplishment of their divine targets, which is the expected end, for my blessings still maketh rich and adds no sorrow. I give my people vineyard to dress and flocks to keep yet, they left all to do other works elsewhere when I the LORD have not instructed so, and when I withdraw my blessings and close the heavens against their prayers, they blame people and ask why. My people ask for blessings of all sorts – wives, husbands, children, anointing, power, riches and even healing, and when I touched and blessed them according to my loving kindness, as they desired, the people turned their backs on me, ignored my beckons, calls, instructions and even warnings, but rather, turned the blessings I have given them into their new found gods and idols and eventually abandon their works...Should I not allow poverty to revisit them?... or even let the Northern and Southern wind to blow away disobedient and wicked children who’d allowed the poisonous fruits in their system to lead them into wasting the talents, gifts, anointing, blessings and all other empowerments bestowed on them, despite the long period of my loving kindness and grace spent, just to get them back into the divine vision for their lives? Oh, how the heavens weep, as the kingdom of darkness celebrates the confirmation of the devils challenging words before GOD, concerning His (GOD’s) children, in the book of Job, chapter 1 and 2.

            There are two kinds of leaders among men, chosen to coordinate the workers in different territories, departments, sections and domains in the garden-farm (earth). The first group is assigned to blaze the trail, bear great yokes and burdens, for the people following them to see the way, they (the followers) never knew or valued, which directly or indirectly, leads to the very place or position they (followers) were divinely assigned or created to be in life, as the ultimate goal; while the second group are to expand, open or establish an already existing, but not too known, clear or valued pathway, or sometimes, imperfectly built platforms. To any member of these groups, given the opportunity to lead in any capacity, with necessary mobilizations and accompanying previleges, being enjoyed yet without accomplishing the divine purposes for that position or office, I weep for their souls because of the magnitude of curses they’ve incured upon themselves and several generations yet unborn in their lineages. That’s because, the foods and drinks recieved and enjoyed from the resources of that office or position, turn to live coals in their body, burning away their peace of mind night and day, from the day they failed, producing in them sicknesses and diseases no physician could permanently cure, and to such, the heaven is closed against their healing or any divine help, except, and only except, they genuinely repent and restore back all, their descendants shall continue with the curses of unrest and wastefulness, while crises have express access to their roots and household. Some have knowingly or unknowingly, through or outside repentance, fulfilled their divine assignments, others even when been told, deliberately sidelined it for selfish reasons. To these latter group, at the expiration of their divine grace periods, they shall suffer: sudden and shameful removal from that office or position, losses through unexpected crises and problems; absolutely lose their peace of mind, and sudden, shameful and sometimes, really mind-disturbing kind of death, and this is because the devil goes in for the demand of such debts from these people, being aware of their indebtedness to GOD. Having capitalized on their consequencial loss of divine coverage, the devil takes advantage of every failed divine mission, and gains automatic access to deal with, and if possible, destroy the failed soul. For every failed and abandoned divine project or assignment, breaks the chain of divine arrangements and targets - love, prosperity and even, cuts down the chances of accomplishments and brings in delay in many known and unknown thousands of life including, unborn generations, which also slims the chances of those aiming heaven as their target on the last day.

The harvest is indeed plentious but the labourers are still few and that’s why I choose and empowered teachers and instructors among my people to train and guide the workers of all territories, sections, departments and domains so as to update and prepare them for the task ahead, seeing, the devil is still going to and fro looking for whom he may devour, just as many have slept for long that, the enemy had sown too much tares into their portion in the garden-farm (earth). I set an example of defeating the devil by telling him (devil) that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every WORD that proceeded out of the mouth of GOD, but my people have left the saving WORD, and depended rather on bread. I asked my people to watch and pray but behold, my people are yet asleep, because, they’ve refused to be taught and be trained.
The WORD was sent to them but they refused to embrace and value it, so how can they be victorious in the coming siege, since they hate knowledge?... and now, because of the missing requisite knowledge, the work is deteriorating, so how shall they prosper? Oh indeed and truly indeed GOD’s people are been destroyed for lack of knowledge; and because they have rejected knowledge, GOD is also rejecting them, and they shall not be His workers, and this is why many are called, yet only few are chosen. Since they’ve forgotten the laws of their GOD, their children shall also be forgotten, and as they increase in number, so they increasingly sin against GOD daily. Therefore, their glory had been turned to shame. 
Do you know that, at the cool of everyday, MY FATHER (GOD) still visits HIS (GOD’s) garden-farm (earth) to share in love and reward those whose time and season had come? But HE (GOD) has always gone back broken-hearted, because most of His (GOD’s) children and workers can’t even recognise HIM nor HIS voice. He’d gone to their workplaces but couldn’t find them. While some are docile, many others were deeply engaged in drunkenness, lustful pleasures, blasphemous gossips, evil imaginations, greedy pursuance of filthy lucres and all kinds of unfaithful and ungodly living. To such group of workers, their rewards are always taken back to heaven because, they have abandoned their workplaces for immediate benefits but, life-time poverty breeding engagements, for no man can truly be rewarded outside his/her divinely appointed place of work. Now have you seen how men manufactured and brought in poverty into a lush and beautifully made garden-farm (earth), GOD,  whatsoever a man soweth, thesame, he shall reap!

Do you know that hell fire was never part of the original vision of GOD for man and was not in existence? Men went bizarre and provoked GOD to deep anger by stooping as low as, leaving THE ALMIGHTY GOD aside to worship other creatures made by thesame GOD, like: trees and woods, animals, birds, and even fellow men, most times dead ones at that, been originally made with medicinal and nutritional deposits and values (animals, birds and plants) to serve as consumable meats and herbs for the same people.
            Do you know that God almost destroyed the earth and its entire inhabitants with brimestone and fire before even the beginning of this age (millenium)? And only but,... at this point HE (JESUS CHRIST) now pursed for a while putting his face down and shaking His head side ways in expression of sorrow and regret, and all I could hear from HIM (JESUS CHRIST) was ‘OH MY BLOOD,... MY BLOOD, MY BLOOD’, then, He (JESUS CHRIST) went silent for a while, still shaking His head and then continued... and, as at that particular night, only five hundred and fifty-nine (559) persons, who seperated themselves from immorality, violence, corruption, wickedness, idol worshipping, the world over, including, just but, fifteen (15) ministers of GOD, were rapturable and could have been saved. But for my continuous pleading and intercession, my FATHER (GOD) granted me (JESUS CHRIST) this last chance, and I have just but a short time to work, just as, the world have but, a short time to remain, before that great day of the LORD, except for a great harvest of repentance. GOD is holy, righteous, faithful and true, therefore HE (GOD) seek a righteous, holy and faithful generation of men from the earth to handle and mentain HIS (GOD’s) garden-farm (earth) and the kingdom for HIS (GOD’s) children to enjoy, when the prayers of, ‘let your kingdom come’, shall be answered.

The entire generation of Noah, both man and animal, were wiped out saving only Noah and his immediate family, because of this same vision, to make way for a new righteous and perfect generation to be raised through Noah, but because of the unpurged effects of the Adamic fruit, the enemy stepped in again through the slightest opportunity, and manifested in drunkenness at Noah’s old age. The enemy (devil) didn’t go for anyone else but Ham, who represents the REDEEMER, (as the second born) among the sons of Noah, being the beginning of the new generation, (by the reason of the wipe-out through the flood) was perfectly set up because of his uncertain and wavering spiritual stand before GOD, so the devil successfully pushed him (Ham) in. What else?...The new generation expected to produce righteous and holy worshippers of GOD, only took off with a cursed beginning, not only was Ham cursed but, the entire Canaan that was even yet to materialise as a people.

The effects of the Adamic fruit in the lives of unbelievers, backsliders and unrepentant religious church-goers or secret sinners and pretending church workers and all, who refuse to be purged are like a well respected fashion conscientious man who’d a deadly sore on his leg, but used expensive perfume to neutralise the stench and got dressed up in expensive attire in order to convince the public that, he is a free and sound man, yet, he’s still experiencing great pain even as, his leg is still in danger of amputation. Or, a man who’d killed a poisonous snake in his room but refused to do away with it, rather keep the snake at one side of the room. Whosoever steps his/her foot upon the head of that snake is already poisoned even though it is dead, and that includes, the occupant of the room, and even to those who may just sight and not even match on it shall be scared still, because of the danger in it, and so it is to anyone bearing any of the effect of that serpentine fruit. Except you fully repent, surrender the totality of your soul, spirit and body unto the LORD JESUS, and rededicate your all, including materials to GOD and then, continuously grow and live by the fruits of the TREE OF LIFE, which is, MY personal characteristics and the WORD, then, make a deliberate move, and desperate demand for the purging. THE WORD, MY NAME (JESUS CHRIST) and THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD (THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST).
Constantly living under the influence of those fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, made the sons of men to forget their purpose, work and responsibility in the garden-farm (earth), thereby slumbering under the same tree (the tree of the knowledge of good and evil), they (workers) were instructed not to go anywhere close. At their waking up, they’ve changed, saying and doing what they used to be far from, because while they were yet asleep, the serpent had bitten their souls and left its poisonous fluids in them, which is actually the spirit of rebellion, and it works in three(3) ways which are: outright disobedience, disregard, disrespectful, and most time open abusive attitude towards God and His people, especially priests: secondly, rebellious, disobedient, and wicked actions against their fellow men and authorities and thirdly: witchcraft activities in order to destroy, delay or, disorganise lives, properties and hopes of others either physically or spiritually, which stands to mean, the devil have taken full possession of them.
          Under his (devil’s) new control power, their hearts are turned upside down and blocked from accepting any other words of advice or instructions for GODLY living, instead, such people would rather speak or act in ways that’ll further stamp them as direct enemies of GOD. At this stage, the devil programmes other people under his capacity as agents, into the lives of the new captive, either as familiar or unfamiliar people from the drinking parlours or other spots of filthy pleasures and also, other people who came under the guise of helping them out of one problem or the other been shot into their lives by the same devil, through the loopholes of their wavering and unfaithful stand before GOD. Afterwards, they’re led back to the tree to worship it or the serpent on it, and that was the root of idolatrous worshipping of either trees, or things made from it and also, serpentine worshipping (snakes). The other side of this unfortunately religating act unknown to many, especially for those blindfolded into direct practicing of idolatry as ways of life and protection against evil and even to those following them as heritage is deeply pitiable. Apart from losing their eternal heavenly homes, lives, bliss and the extreme future in hell by the same demons been worshipped on earth, by these people. At that very instance of worshiping any idol as gods, they (worshippers) have lost the original grace, glory and beauty of the image and likeness of their maker (GOD) in exchange for that of the devil’s, as it is written; they that make them (idols) are like them and so is every one that trusteth in them (idols). Also by that singular act, not only have they (idol worshippers) surrendered willingly their GOD given power to subdue, have dominion over all creatures and domains, and their divine mandate and abilities in GOD’s own standard to be fruitful, multiply and replenish in the garden-farm (earth), to the devil’s control, but also, their divine destinies in its original form and size, the original GOD-KIND-OF-LIFE, that authenticates and give them quick victory over all situations and circumstances as gods, wherein it is written: ye are gods, which come with far-reaching power of vision and also, they have lose the authentic power, authority, staff and mark of sonship to the ALMIGHTY GOD, that move HIM (GOD) swiftly into truely supplying, directing and preserving them in safety as the apple of HIS (GOD’s) eyes.
To further put his (devil’s) victims in stronger chains and bondage, wrong acquaintances and fixtures would be made in relationships, marriages, friends, school and classmates, jobs, colleagues – all sort of people, most times his (devil’s) agents, who’ll only come to delay or lure them to the exact opposite direction of GOD’s original plan for their lives, and this is why idols and indeed, the devil seems to be growing in power and dominion in the eyes of his direct and indirect victims, while carnal men under his control are getting more shot-sighted, hopeless, weaker, helpless, confused and frustrated because, they’ve exchanged their original life of dominion, power, grace, glory and authority for that of his (serpent’s) subtleness just as they also share its curses of, eating the dust and crawling on its belly. In other words, the devil’s captives live the serpent’s wavering, unsteady and unpredictable life, which can be terminated by just anybody, anything, anytime and anywhere, while the serpent now leads the ‘ye-are-gods’ kind of influencial, respected, honoured, feared and being-in-charge lifestyle over the people, resources and treasures. As the worship continues, the serpent decides the fate of that land and the people, in developments – who or what comes in and vice versa, as the people believe and allow.
            Son of man, as I send you forth to declare these words, don’t forget, many shall fight you and even discourage others from accepting these truths. Many shall use quotations from the Bible, according to their carnal understanding to speak against you before men in their congregations, and on the streets, for right from the days of John the Baptist, every rightfully sent citizen of the kingdom of heaven have suffered violence, because men like to dwell in darkness than light and so they fight and speak against liberation and salvation. Therefore, even I (JESUS CHRIST) the SON OF GOD, that sent you forth, had suffered several accusations, they even called ME (JESUS CHRIST) beelzebub, but now the truth is out.

The second reason is yet a mystery. Do you know close to half of the total population, the world is claiming to have are not human beings created by GOD but, demonic entities appearing, as humans and dwelling among men in the society?... while some appear in communities, settlements, towns and cities as strangers, visitors and businessmen/women with different languages claiming to have come from somewhere else, others are either adopted or been born by physically or spiritually known and unknown parents into the society, but all are sent from the pit of hell and partnering demonic kingdoms, to accomplish their satanic missions of diverting, disrupting, delaying or terminating the lives, destinies and purposes of their human targets, and this is why some can never repent and others can’t truly be delivered because they are not having demons in them but, demons themselves. The very day satan was pushed down from heaven to earth, he (devil) vowed in great fury of vengeance, to deceive and destroy all man-kind, including, if possible the very elects (prophets, priests, and all chosen and anointed workers in GOD’s vineyard) as I have spoken in the book of Mark 13:22; and the mission is to ensure nobody successfully serve GOD to the end, and ultimately, if possible, no soul makes heaven? To destroy their targets, they (demon-humans) spread themselves everywhere – every environments, streets, domains, families, villages, towns, cities and nations, corporate and even public offices and places, nursery, primary and secondary schools, but most especially, university campuses, as pupils, students, workers, teachers, tutors, lecturers, officers and proprietors. As a matter of fact, there are just about seven(7) higher institutions the world over at present, that are not completely under their control and that’s why in every nation, only few have graduated out of these institutions with yet reasonable amount of moral values.
They (demons) initiate most fashion shows and parties, (street, beach, etc) into the hearts of those already under their captivity, in order to promote carnality, fashion and worldly pleasures, and that’s why most of those who attend these places can’t change their ways and minds until they see themselves in hell and regret their lives on earth. Do you know that up to ninty-five percent (95%) of strippers, seventy-five percent (75%) of prostitutes and about sixty percent (60%) of public dancers, especially in clubs and all related places, and even some of the club owners are not real humans but, demonic forces on assignments; just as, seventy-five percecent (75%) of models are equally not real humans; product advertisers are equally not humans but demons remodelled into spotless skinned humans to advertise new products of the demonic kingdoms especially, the marine kingdom?...
In every party (street, community, club, beach, etc) ground there are more demon-humans than real humans in attendance and even among real humans in such places, more than half of their members are captured souls initiated by those demon-humans through food, gifts but, ninty percent (90%) through sex, so as to work under the demons as direct leiutenants and human underground agents in order to easily bring more souls to the demons for quick expansion of their networks for speedy accomplishments of their mission per target. Unfortunately, most of these initiated agents didn’t even know what is going on, or what they have been turned into but, only see themselves helplessly addicted to lifestyles that they can’t even explain how they got in and why they live that way, like: partying, fashion, gadgets, smoking, alcoholism, stealing, etc. While others see themselves falling daily through, increasing unbelieveably dirty and bizarre imaginations, thoughts and lusts for the opposite sex. As it deteriorates, it will come down to masturbation, lesbianism, homosexualism and eventually to the extremes of bestiality – animals, inanimate objects and so on, because most of these immoral acts are been done with these demon-humans, unknown to the captured real humans, in order to further keep the victims in their (demon-humans) captivity.

Most of these human victims and even the demon-humans alike, have deadly and extreme anger in them. These demon-humans and their agents are not only in the fashion and entertainment industries but also, in and around high ranking offices in governments, kingdoms and all other public and corporate institutions, including the churches even as pastors, teachers, councillors, and even general overseers, to either position themselves or their agents against high profile targets, to teach, advice, inform or take steps that seem appropriate at the moment but, to much more captivities and destructions later. Remember MY WORDS which I (JESUS CHRIST) spoke earlier, in the book of Mark, 13:22 which says, for false christ and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders to seduce, if it were possible, even the very elect?... that mission is fully on course, while many who claimed to be running away from being deceived have already been deceived and living in deception.

            The third reason why this truth will be fought at, is because, we have more shot-sighted unofficial idol worshippers today even among the christians in the churches, than fore-sighted true worshippers of GOD. The devil in his desperate mission of vengeance, had remodelled idolatry into electronic and communication gadgets, automobiles and fashion accessories, that easily arrest the attention and hearts of my people, even among christians, churches, the societies and their leaders. It might interest you to know, there are over three billion internet based demons that appears to be humans and working for or, as help to human needs, just to capture the hearts of their victims either from knowing the way to GOD’s presence or, distracting them from paying apt attention, living or practicing the truth and receiving or preserving their salvation. They have three operational groups: the first group are in charge of death, rituals and blood supplies, while the second goes for initiations of new agents and assignments, mass mobilization, modelling, human idols and advertisers of fashion accessories and gadgets. The third group is responsible for snatching and destructions of stars and destinies, capturing and caging of souls in hell in exchange for demonic souls while the person still lives on earth, distribution of killer and most times incurable diseases, high powered warfare against humans, etc.

Take note: about ninty percent (90%) of these works are done through sex. Son of man, inform my people to watch out who they walk, speak, share or even live with as neighbours or even help meet (husband/wife) because many people are either engaged in deep sexual affairs or, close friends with them. Although, I have spoken saying: love your neighbour as yourselves, but I also said, be wise as serpent and yet be humble as dove, just as I said, be on the alert and always watch and pray for you know not the day nor the hour, I also said, pray always that you wouldn’t fall into temptation, because the devil is no longer only going to and fro but, had set his nets everywhere and the entire world on time trap, looking for the next backsliders or sinners he (devil) may devour. I truly feel pity for all those who would allow themselves to become victims, because, whenever we see the enemy targeting or pursuing any man, woman or child, I also go or, send my servants, including Angels, who sometimes appear as humans to offer free salvation and help, so as to takeover and fight for them, alert, divert or conquer for them, and this is done most times physically and others spiritually through dreams, revelations, prophecies, visions, express word of knowledge and even direct signs. Mobilisations are sometimes, made  to pray with, and even render other forms of help to save that soul because, under the heaven, there is a prophet assigned for every soul, to deliver and save potential targets, but most times, our efforts are made in vain as, we’re been ignored, misquoted and misinterpreted. I (JESUS CHRIST) the SON OF GOD, have been arrested severally in physical, while trying to alert securities about the enemies next move, even in this nation (Nigeria). My son, I’m in great pain  because, people whom I made like myself, emptied my-all upon, and even went ahead to die for, have continually broken my heart and caused me, on daily bases, to regret ever creating man.
I have been embarrassed, harrassed, beaten, abused, driven away, mocked, ignored and even been laughed at, in many nations, states, provinces, cities, towns and villages, families, individuals, churches and even clergies, whom I went to help after calling for my help, even the very people I (JESUS CHRIST) redeemed with my blood. So nothing on earth had happened under the heavens without pre-informations or warnings but, most of our efforts were never taken serious or followed up, and when the grace period is over, the enemy strikes, at our withdrawal. For I (JESUS CHRIST), THE PRINCE OF PEACE, THE GENTLE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD, stand at the door knocking, if any man opens for ME (JESUS CHRIST), I’ll enter and abide in that person and that person shall abide also in ME (JESUS CHRIST) and I’ll also save that soul from perishing. But for all those who’d resisted instructions and warnings and have refused to purge themselves of the growing effects of the planted seed from the Adamic fruits and renewed the eating of the fruits by worshiping the serpent, and the tree and all related idolatrous living, and even to those who’d allowed their souls to go into the captivity of the mighty wicked ones (devil and his demons and agents) my soul weeps for them because, while some of their divine endowments, abilities and gains have been blocked, exchanged and replaced with fake ones, others would never come back or be gainful to them again, especially for those whose grace period had expired, except and only except, the grace and the mercies of GOD prevailed, through, conscious and absolutely deep-hearted repentance, total salvation and proper re-dedication back to THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Then, the WORD, HOLY GHOST guided prayer of faith for the purging and proper repositioning, after which, that soul must live by the fruits of THE TREE OF LIFE, but, in all of these, nothing and absolutely no evil shall befall any of My blood redeemed, begotten and beloved, heaven conscious and marked children of the kingdom, for my sheep knows my voice, therefore I’ll guide them and they shall follow the voice of my instructions and I’ll even give them the treasures of darkness for it is written: safety is of the LORD, and don’t forget, the NAME OF THE LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runs into it and is saved.

           Tell my people at Malawi to repent, watch and pray, for their enemies are within them and their nation is about to be hijacked. Tell my daughter whom I made a mother to the nation (President), that I have my plans, and indeed, I am with her, but I’m still watching if I can further trust her concerning my instructions, and obeying my words without waving to the left nor to the right, and to follow my ways without looking back, then shall my hands lift her up even where there seems to be no way. Though, influencial forces shall fight her course and shall raise dusts, but,... again, tell her (President), it’s not about her contenders but, herself; and not about her ambition and hope but my plans, for it is within my hands to do and undo, for I use the foolish things to confound the wise and I use the weak to quiet the strong, therefore, she must not follow the evil tide but, must be separated unto Me (JESUS CHRIST) and I  shall direct her path and she (President) must follow my ways only and no other way; then shall she (President) be exalted above her foes at last. And I shall give her the heart of a true mother and shall also annoint her with honey. I shall re-open Malawi for development and I (JESUS CHRIST) even THE SON OF GOD, shall make Malawi a city of glass, glory and beauty and it shall be redeemed and I’ll make it my lush garden. Then will I (JESUS CHRIST) heal and satisfy her people, for I shall cause new discoveries and exploits and the world shall come to Malawi and see and surely, even the mouth of strangers and indeed, the people shall ask: can anything good come from Malawi? 

MY FATHER (GOD) and I (JESUS CHRIST) and indeed, the entire hosts of heaven are still searching for faithful, righteous men with a perfect heart and truly trust worthy men, women and children to clear the nations of the earth for the full gathering of the harvest. For the harvest is really ripe and very great but the faithful, trustworthy, vigorous and committed workers are very few. Thus, I (JESUS CHRIST) the SON OF GOD, decided to come with my servants (Angels) from heaven above to walk among men as dusty, and ordinary men, in order to choose, raise and lead the third generation as the last option to wake even those that are yet asleep but, with a willing and submissive hearts, especially for those whose grace periods are not yet expired, from the outgoing generation, in other to give them a second chance by raising them along side the third generation in the symbolized likeness and order of the dry bones, raised from the valley, in Ezekiel, 37.

The earth has lost its true beauty, glory and original value and have only been reduced to a deep valley of corruption, wickedness, idolatry, bloodshed and dry bones, for the devil come not except to kill, steal and destroy, but now, I have come that they might have eternal life and even have it more in abundance. Thus, even the treasures, riches and the gains of the garden-farm (earth) have even gone far deep and can no longer be visible nor available to the carnally-minded man but, only to those who are chosen and called to be on their watch upon the mountains and the high hills, even in the deserts, the valleys and upon the lands. Therefore, as that great and terrible day of the LORD approaches and draws nearer, MY FATHER has given me all authorities in heaven, and on earth therefore I’ve come to pour out my spirit and gifts afresh upon the sons and daughters of men as assured and been written: “And it shall come to pass afterwards, that I shall pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy and your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions and also upon the servants and handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit, and I shall show great wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke. (Joel 2:28-30) And babies, the little ones on the streets and even the unborn, shall be endewed with the end-time power, as it had been written: out of the mouth of babes and sucklings has thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still (silence) the power of the enemy and the avenger (Psalm 8:2).” Therefore, I have come, not to the carnally minded but to raise GODLY and spiritual men, women and children of power, vision and dreams, with fixed focus and commitments being regulated on the perfect will of GOD, to clear, liberate and perfect the nations for the kingdom of GOD towards that great and terrible day of the LORD, and they shall be stronger than all their fathers and predecessors, and shall be made great by the fulfillments of their lives purposes and to as many as those, who shall stand firm and conquer, their triumphant return back to heaven shall be celebrated, for I shall guide them through the journey.
For this purpose, have I (JESUS CHRIST) raised the new generation therefore, whosoever shall ignore these dusty ones, shall his peace also be taken away, and that nation also shall be desolate and destroyed, for whosoever that is not with us, is against us.

Oh, my ears are filled with cries of blood and dry bones, of innocent children and pregnant women from the very depth of the foundations of many nations, and the accuser of the brethren (satan) is capitalizing on those evil to strike against those nations for more blood flows while, he (Mr President) whom I have chosen to stop and avert the crises is been led away, daily by enemies in friend’s clothings. Oh, how my heart breaks, and where shall my spirit find rest, nor my heart be glad for he (Mr President), whom I raised with grace and favour, to cleans the land, reconcile the nations back to me and lead the new nation with my banner, and this shall bring hope, direction, light, joy and abundance on every side to my people, but for his failure, all I see is sadness, confusion, sorrow, agony, darkness, blood, regrets, and my people are still been destroyed up till now, for lack of knowledge,... oh, how I wasted my grace, strength, favour and my blood, even my very life on the cross for men that will not hear nor regard my words. At this point, HE (JESUS CHRIST) started weeping and sobbing, and all of a sudden, other wailing voices, in their thousands were also echoing, calling on HIM (JESUS CHRIST), to avenge their blood, saying, we have been cut off prematured and unprepared for no fault of our own but, his disobedience... LORD, avenge our blood,... avenge our blood... avenge our blood... As I turned in shock, to see the direction of the vengeance cry, I saw several gutter-like erosion lines, just about the size of an average creek, interconnecting themselves from several routes upon the land but, filled with frighteningly gushing pool of blood, and all flowing into another river of blood. While I stood still before HIM (JESUS CHRIST) confused with fear and grief, HE (JESUS CHRIST) stood up from the white plastic chair in which, HE (JESUS CHRIST) was sitting on, in my room, and with reddish and tears-filled eyes, HE (JESUS CHRIST) started speaking again thus: Son, have you seen how the blood of the slain innocent appears before ME (JESUS CHRIST) crying everyday?... have you also seen, how disturbing their cry could be?... and so are their spirits restless.

They have come because, vengeance is mine and I am a man of time and my grace is free when available but, costly when exhausted. I shall be back at my own time, when this last grace period expires, and if he (Mr President) refuses to obey my instructions, I shall be back to avenge the blood of the innocent upon him and his household and even through his lineage and I shall turn the nations against him, and I shall require the blood of my people from the hands of all those guilty of this evil, and those who misled him (Mr President) must account for the blood of the innocent. And for him (Mr President) whom I have poured out my love and favour upon, and yet, caused me to weep, my wrath shall not cease and my indignation shall burn in his household, and if he  (Mr President) yet fails to come back quickly, then shall I cause his (Mr President’s) tears to flow and his heart will I also cause to break and bleed and when this last grace is gone, I shall surely turn the hearts and faces of the people to stand against him (Mr President), even of those whom he trusted most shall I turn away from favouring him, and I shall utterly take away his peace and many troubles shall becloud him, even after his days in office (that’s if he refuses to obey) for my peace will I not return to him until, my word is honoured. Do you know that the innocent blood of the slain Abel of old, still cries to Me (JESUS CHRIST) even until today?... and do you know also that members of the lineage of Cain who’d refused to know and embrace the truth and accept free salvation, but follow after their own hearts, like their father, are still suffering it even today?... and so is every unrepentant blood related cases (direct or indirect), for it is written: whosoever breaks the hedge, the serpent shall bite him, just as, those who kill by the sword, shall die by the sword
Several times, have I visited his (Mr President’s) homestead with and as the solution he seek, yet I was not allowed to pass through his (Mr President’s) gate because, I came not in crown and glory, but in dust for I have raised the past generations by prophets, priests and rulers, but, they hijacked the glory due ME and MY FATHER, and took my grace for granted, therefore, I’m raising this last generation for, and by MYSELF from the dusts and vallies to the GLORY OF MY FATHER (GOD) just as I (JESUS CHRIST) raised him (Mr President) to lead them so, I also appear in their form at his (Mr President’s) gate. Even MY NAME (JESUS CHRIST) does not mean anything at his (Mr President’s) gate. It is still in my hands to give or take away, to retain or give away.
After these Words, the LORD JESUS CHRIST pointed His finger at the upper wall and said, Look, and when I looked the direction of the finger, I saw three(3) pictures: (the first lady, Mr President’s mother and another young lady, believed to be His Excellency’s daughter) with sharp blazing arrow going around the three(3) pictures.
Then the LORD JESUS CHRIST continued again with these words: as for my daughter (First Lady), remind her, it is not by power nor might that she’s living today, but by my last grace, that is, if only she’ll hear and obey to deliver my words to her husband and also to amend her ways quickly. Tell her not to go the way of Stella (Obasanjo), but to wash and keep her hands and heart clean and pure. Tell her to mind the words she’s using on my people and also inform her to prepare for a great and large sacrifice directly for the orphans, widows, and vinedressers, working on open fields as missionaries, evangelists (not those in the churches) and not in political show and arrangements but, in total decency and fear of GOD and also, repent from all her ungodly ways. All these, she (first lady) must obey and do without delay, if I (JESUS CHRIST) would not come quickly and remove my breath of life from her nostrils, scatter her treasures among my people and put another in her office, for I am not a respecter of any man, therefore, what I say, I also bring to pass.

My son, don’t forget, I have told you before and I am reminding you again: I love Africa, and I am preparing this, land even Africa, to host the world, as the next world power, therefore any leader, who refuses to heed my voice, shall be cut-off and any nation that holds back or withdraws, shall the enemy, even the devil destroy. The demises of and removal of African leaders from year 2009 till date, and subsequently been replaced by those, who wouldn’t be there by now, was all part of the preparation for this mission. I AM THE LORD, there is none before Me and there is none beside Me. I AM THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END, THE FIRST AND THE LAST.

 By now He (JESUS CHRIST) stood up from the chair he was sitting and continued: I use the foolish things to confound the wise, and the weak to prove the strong. I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT, therefore the sons of Jacob are not consumed. All powers and authorities have been given to ME in the heavens and over the earth, therefore this day, under the heavens before my servants, pointing to the four(4) Angels beside Him (JESUS CHRIST) and before you, pointing at me (J.S.P) “my anointed one, have I, THE SON OF GOD, presented national salvation, just like Israel, to the nations of Africa. I shall be back to rebuild and restore the nations when my call is honoured, and such leaders who obeys my voice, shall  be glad and also be honoured, and if not, then I shall be back to separate and protect my people, and the enemies shall I allow to pass through the gates to utterly destroy disobedient nations and such leaders shall suddenly end in shame, when my grace period expires, and as for the churches, I shall visit them soon at my time.
          At the LORD’S departure, HE (JESUS CHRIST) dropped these scriptures: Isaiah 47,48,5,4, Jeremiah 13:15-27;  14:1-18, Ezekiel 13, Deuteronomy 28,11, Joel 2.
The LORD JESUS CHRIST, also instructed the GIDEON SQUAD to pray with the first lady for three(3) days BUT, and ONLY IF, she (first lady) is ready to comply to HIS (JESUS CHRIST) instructions.
Your Excellencies, THE GIDEON SQUAD a.k.a THE UNITED FAMILY (T.U.F) humbly plead with you to take the words seriously and follow up promptly without bias thoughts, in order to avoid events of seeing the same people who are saying, ‘‘forget about it, we are fasting and praying for you,’’ to return tomorrow with condolence messages of, “God gives and God takes.”
In the year 2000, the Holy Spirit and four Angels visited me in my room and gave me some messages concerning the Niger Delta, (South-South of Nigeria) of coming crises and the only way to avert it, but people, including anointed and famous pastors ignored and abused me. Out of frustration, I abandoned it. Just two(2) months later, rivalries among street gangs – cults brokeout which eventually escalated into militancy, and we are still paying the price till date.
In the year 2005, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, visited me in my room and showed me the portrait of the then first lady, declaring her untimely exit, but HE (JESUS CHRIST), seemingly left me with options. In naivety, again I ran to people and ministers of GOD, whom I believed could give me better explanations and directions. I was rather mocked and chased away. Only eight(8) days later, the number one female icon of the nation of Nigeria, passed on.
Again, on three (3) Saturday nights, breaking into easter Sunday, that is, the day after Good-Friday, in the years, 2009, 2010 and 2011, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, visited me repeatedly, and gave me all HIS (JESUS CHRIST’s) detailed redemption plans for Africa, beginning  with Nigeria. In the first and second visitations, (2009 & 2010), JESUS CHRIST made me (J.S.P) to understand that, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan had been annointed as the next president of Nigeria (ie 2011 presidential election), how it was going to happen, the divine purpose for (G.E.J’s) administration, the mission before him (G.E.J), how it was to be carried out, the consequences of its failure and the signs. It was during those divine visitations that, I (J.S.P) was previleged to know, the present day East–West road, is a mockery to the Divine masterplan design, that was originally programmed into the heart of the initiator of that project but, politics came in along the way, and thus, lacking GOD’s approval, and I was also shown pictures of the divine masterplan design; and that’s why, it had taken long and yet, couldn’t be expressly built to the standard and expectations of the people, despite all government and construction company’s efforts. At the last visit in 2011, I was given the divine mandate to print and send to Mr President, which I even did repeatedly, but, it was hijacked and diverted into a personal idea and carried out privately.
 This latest message of lamentations, instructions, warnings and also great promises you’ve just digested, came from the LORD JESUS CHRIST, on HIS express daily visits between, Sunday 23rd March, 2014 to the early morning of Sunday, 4th May, 2014, in Otuoke community, Ogbia Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.
 I was instructed by the LORD JESUS CHRIST, to separate myself on a five(5) days’ spiritual exercise, which I started on the 21st March, 2014 but, it rather took me close to two(2) months instead of the five(5) days. These are just the only ones I was authorised to write because, HE (JESUS CHRIST) asked me to keep the rest until his call is honoured considering what happened to the previous ones. And the step of taking this message to the net was not of any personal or sinister thought but, strictly divine instruction, according to HIS (JESUS CHRIST’s) declarations, “so as to make everyone who came across or read this message, a living witness of happenings, and even things to come, between I (JESUS CHRIST), and my chosen ones (leaders), seeing all MY (JESUS CHRIST’s) efforts are unregarded, and also to make bare the reasons why most prayers, intercessions and fasts, for some leaders, nations and situations, are only yielding little or no results.
Your Excellencies, although we’ve made several attempts to see you, in order to give you even more details but, security constraints made our efforts impossible, yet for the now, this is the message from the LORD JESUS CHRIST, to you, your household, the government and nations.
Thank you and God bless you.
Long Live AFRICA.
Long Live NIGERIA.

For, The Gideon Squad,
Evang. John-Sogbete Princewill,
a.k.a,  Prophet J.S.P.
Tel: +234-816-233-7208, +234-816-811-8677
Or, Pastor Alfred Aghudumobel Solomon Wilfred
TEL : +234-806-888-4458,   +234-802-052-8430
Email: alfredwilfred3@gmail.com

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