Tuesday 9 December 2014

Having wondered for too long a time for the right and permanent solution, it’s time for Nigerians to ask and face some fundamental truths, for “ye shall know the truth and that indefatigable truth shall make you free”.
In which particular sector can Nigeria truly boast of independence, is it educationally, when every day, people are leaving the country to school abroad; or is it health, when the rich and their wards are flown abroad at the slightest headache? Nigeria’s problem started from its foundational days and President Jonathan was raised as the David of this generation to correct these errors, relay the foundation and lead Africa out of darkness and coming disasters, for indeed, I see crises ahead. With gracious permission from my Lord, Saviour, Guide and Master, Jesus Christ who instructed me to keep quiet until the appointed time, I want to let everyone know just one of such unknown errors.
Do you know this nation we call ours, doesn’t have identifiable name of its own but just a mere description of a seemingly insignificant location. For instance, if someone is been sent to a place called ‘Lagos area’ or ‘Abuja area’ and there’s no particular name, street or number mentioned, or just imagine the life, destiny and destination of a child without name. Somebody merely said this person or people, came from or live somewhere around River Niger or Niger area, and this description of no direct identity or insignificance was gladly accepted as name. What is the hope of delivery for a letter without destination or particular address if not uncertainties”? Even I myself never realized this until the Lord Jesus Christ paid me a special visit  where He spoke and revealed quite much about Himself as the Son of God, this nation (Nigeria), Africa from the root of her name, nations and people, President Jonathan and many mysteries of the past, present and the future, especially the end-time plans and missions for the nations and her people, which you can find and access through www.messengerjspee.blogspot.com, and many others yet to be published till God’s appointed time. But the Lord Jesus Christ called Nigeria the “City of Light.” Well, let’s start from here.

For now, God has instructed me to warn Gov. Akpabio of Akwa-Ibom State not to contest any further elective office at least for now, but to stay at the background and be grateful to God, otherwise, he might not leave that office alive or he shall leave in shame and disrepute, for the Lord God of Host said, Akpabio had reconciled the few communities and groups He (God) brought him to reconcile, rule with love and develop the State, and all of these Akpabio had done and fulfilled so, God had rewarded him with a peaceful state and stress-free second term. But the senatorial seat had been prepared for another young man whom He (JEHOVAH GOD) had chosen and anointed for other divine assignments to accomplish for the people and to the glory of God.
God had also instructed me to warn Gov. Dickson of Bayelsa State to beware and retrace his steps back to his divine purpose now. For the Lord God said, He brought him (Dickson) to accomplish the unfinished foundational works, to straighten the bent rods and irons wrongly laid and the consequential cracks in the foundations of the State, in order to lay the divine standard of the state foundation and raise new pillars for the building of the new state, but he’s leaving behind his covenant purpose to pursue second term politics. I am thus, directed to remind Gov. Dickson that, when a man’s way pleases God, He (God) maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him, and so, If Dickson goes ahead without prioritizing and fulfilling his (Dickson’s) divine mandate first, then he shall suddenly lose that seat in even greater shame than his predecessors and another shall take his place because, God is not a respecter of any man neither, does He lack men to replace those who’d failed Him.
For the violence and destruction, God said, “if President Jonathan would turn back now and locate the covenant that brought my favour upon him through the years, then and only then, shall I save this administration and his peace be restored, for soon, boko haram shall pass away but, if President Jonathan had not yet carried out his divine mandate before that time, then a more fierce and even more dangerous group shall arise and take the nation unaware and much more than boko haram had ever done shall the new force do and it shall even be so that, even the authorities shall not feel safe anywhere in this nation and behold, they are already here, working underground but, people thought it’s still all about boko haram. When a man breaks or falls out of his divine covenant grace, everything God made in heaven and on earth and all their products including man and nature, living and the dead shall rise up against that man through any means and at anytime, including those close to him.
And for A.P.C, one of the strongest pillars the national structure is counting on shall fall suddenly, either by departing to the great beyond or to some other party, and this shall create a great vacuum and while they’re yet to properly fill that space, someone they least expected shall break the ranks, expose every valid structural secrets and the rest is history. This shall continue intermittently whenever they try to reposition because the structural foundation never had the Almighty God in it.
For thus says the Lord God of Hosts:”Behold, for other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. For, if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do? And to this end, they shall surely gather together, but not by me; and whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for your sake” (1st Cor.3:11, Ps.11:3, Is.54:15).
For, The Gideon Squad,
Evang. John-Sogbete Princewill,
a.k.a,  Prophet J.S.P.
Tel: +234-816-233-7208, +234-816-811-8677
E-mail: sogbeteprincewill@gmail.com
Or, Pastor Alfred Aghudumobel Solomon Wilfred
TEL : +234-806-888-4458,   +234-802-052-8430.
Email: alfredwilfred3@gmail.com

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